Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Welcome to the OFFICIAL Sensazão Blog brought to you by yours dearly, Diana ;]
As mentioned somewhere on this page, The Crew and Management will discuss any comments or concerns that you have about almost anything related to Sensazão.

We hope this will help us, The Crew and Management, improve all services.

So to give you and example:

Here is a comment that we got in our comments box at the Sensazão Dance Fitness Studio:
 The Classes are wonderful, but are way too crowded.  Please limit the number of participants.  Perhaps add a 5PM class?
Agreed! They have been getting very crowed.  
We have already set a limit, no more than 40 people go into the class.

Do you guys think we should make that number lower?  
If so, how would you feel to get to the Studio from MD and then be told that class is full, so wait another hour?  Though decision.  
This comment was a while ago, so do any of you still think this is a problem?

About adding a 5pm class...sadly the majority of our students don't leave work until 5pm.  That's why our most packed classes tend to be the 7 and 8pm.  If we did add a 5pm class, how many of you would be willing to come to that one instead? 

Let us know how you like the idea of a Blog for Sensazão! And remember that will be having classes for KIDS on Tuesdays @ 5PM starting MARCH 1ST! :]




  1. One question, how much do you guys pay for the monthly studio rent (are electricity, internet, phone and water services included)?

    How much do you pay to your instructors (if Gaby and Diego get paid LOL)?

  2. Classes for KIDS are a great idea. Would you consider offering these classes on the weekends as well. There's no way I can make during the weekdays and that early. I work in DC and don't leave until 6:00pm.

    I usually look for things to do with my son on the weekends and having this class would be amazing. What are the ages by the way?

  3. Kids Classes.- We have considered the weekends, however, the instructors' schedules are very busy. As soon as we do have an instructor to teach Kids on the weekends we will announce it on the Website :]

    Diego...I know that was you. LOL

    The rent/salary question .- We cannot discuss this kind of sensitive information. If you absolutely must know, you can contact Gabriela by emailing her at

    Awesome guys!!! Keep visiting!! :]

  4. Can the regular classes just be for adults? Having children take the class can be distracting, and annoying with the limited space

  5. I agree in that we should have classes for adults ONLY. We do not see it as annoying but we do see it as risky. That is definitely something that I will bring up to the Crew's attention to see how they feel.

  6. I only see one kid coming to class with her mom and she's on the side so I think she's fine. What annoys me are new students who go to the front and they are totally lost and don't seem to care. They go left when everyone is going right...Not being rude, but it really makes us dizzy. When I first started, I stayed in the back for the longest time. Thank you. :-)

  7. The kids are very cute--but yeah I'm nervous for them sometimes and they do take up room--maybe they could only do it in the back?

    Also, for whoever wants to make the classes smaller, I personally like the classes w/ about 40 people it really keeps the energy level up. If they made it smaller they'd probably have to charge more money and we couldn't blame them for it.

    Given the popularity of the class, I was thinking of maybe some type of scheduler so that we all didn't have to start coming an hour beforehand. I know FF gym has people call and reserve seats for their cycling classes--but I think that'd be terrible for you D. Other professional dance studios use a type of online reservation system, although I'm sure it's expensive to buy. Maybe there's some type of happy medium?

    Also, I haven't been in two weeks (out of town)so this problem might have been solved--but as for the people who are overstaying and going to two classes and paying for one or people who 'changing' and then stay in the back...maybe you guys could just empty out the classroom after every class and then punch everyone's cards as they go in (my university gym did that). Anyways just some thoughts...for a new business you guys are doing great. I'm always afraid that Sensazao is going to get so big that it'll be leaving our area soon!

  8. Yes, that is our usual mother and daughter and there is another pair somewhere but they're fine too. About the new students, I totally understand what you mean, but at the same time it makes sense that they go in front because they want to learn faster and what better way than being RIGHT BY the teacher to catch all the movements and not get confused by those around you.
    Then again, there are students that simply DON'T have the rhythm yet they like being in front and that's the end of it.
    As many other things, neither I nor the instructors can control that because telling them to go in the back because they confuse other is just mean. Not that we mean it to be mean but we have to understand that people have feelings and what we think is white might be black for them...if that makes any sense.

    In conclusion, it all goes down to:
    People have different learning styles and we must all respect each other and see every obstacle as a challenge to do better.

    :] Loving the participation in the blog. THANK YOU GUYS!

  9. Christine,

    Yes we have solved the "staying in the back" issue :]
    We empty the class before we let the next one in and I have to say that students have been cooperating quite well.

    For reserving, I honestly think that a first-come-first-serve basis is the only fair system. Reserving is too complicated because then we have to take names and that means to take longer checkin people in. I think that for a small business, we will refrain from getting any software until we can find a location to call our own and to know for sure that we will stay there as long as time permits.

    Plus there is the issue that some people can't access the internet or a phone to reserve, they might be 5 out of 40 BUT still we want to give a fair service that is easier for us so that we don't take too much in one bite...if you know what i mean ;]

  10. This comment may sound rude or you may think I am VERY MAD and complaining when it's not actually your fault, but this comment is just merely informative and I think the problems I am about to enumerate should be addressed or considered by the Sensazao Stuff.

    First of all: I LOVE Sensazao and your dance fitness studio! The place is nice, your work is so professional, the environment is full of energy, and most of your choreos are KILLER workouts! You guys are THE BEST, PERIOD. However, there are certain things I don't like about the classes, not from the instructors or your work, but from the students!

    I hate when people don't cooperate with such simple rules like making a line to enter the class, I mean COME ON! We are not kids and Diana is not a baby sitter! Diana has done a very good job so far with the studio management but some people just need to go back to kindergarten and I am not going to mention the people who DON'T PAY and stay for more than one class. I also HATE when I get early (1 hour before class) to be in the front line, then someone who comes LATE, gets in front or very close to me asking "do you mind if I stay here?" Some people really need to use their common sense, we would pump into each other or even get hurt! One day they pretty much pushed me to the very right side of the studio because they wanted to be right by the instructor! SO DISRESPECTFUL! The next time when they asked me I politely said "No" and they got mad at me... can you believe THAT? These students are usually then ones who "want to learn faster" by the way. I respect they have different ways of learning (but seriously, some have been "trying to learn" for AGES and still doing everything wrong), but if they don't respect personal space and the rules you guys have (first-come-first-serve), I WILL NOT tolerate their attitude anymore, meaning I either stop being polite, or I stop coming to your classes because such people really give me negative energy. I come from very far away, I don't have a ride and I don't come very often during the week, and when I come I find this kind of people: NOT FAIR. I am not the only one complaining about this, a couple of my friends who got me into Sensazao Dance fitness don't come anymore because of this same problem! If these disrespectful students continue with this attitude, there will be more people gone!

    I think it's necessary to create some "rules of civility and friendship to maintain a good workout environment" on the studio written in BIG font so that everybody can read it before class: ones that say "respect first-come-first-serve" and "respect people's personal space."

    Once again, I LOVE SENSAZAO, I LOVE your work! Sorry if this comment sounds rude or out of place, but as I mentioned: it has to be said!
    Thank you so much for the opportunity of speaking up! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!
    kisses and hugs to all of you, lovely people!

  11. To the really long comment: I AGREE. I cannot find a word that will EVER accurately express my anger towards that kind of people. If there is anything that can make me ANGRY, is rude and dishonest people. I don't believe that there is ANYONE who would accept that kind of behavior unless he or she is the one doing it as well. Thank you for your detailed complaints (that I DO NOT think are rude at all). You've also given me some ideas that I will talk over with the Crew :]


  12. Anon. I hate that used to happen a lot more often at FF and I would get so furious that it would become hard for me to workout, I'd just have too much negative energy. That being said, I don't think there's much Diana can do about it--I think we have to police ourselves and even stand-up for each other. If you see one student coming in too late and getting really close to another then say something--that way the poor girl who is getting edged out doesn't feel like all the weight is on her. I think if we stick together on this and make it a community that doesn't except this kind of behavior things will work out better than Diana just trying to say something.

  13. I agree with the comment that talks about people not respecting personal space and moving on top of you to be next to the instructor. There is one girl in particular that does this almost every class. I always feel bad for whoever is stuck next to her. She stands where the instructor is supposed to go and then when class starts she moves over 2-3 feet to the right and goes in front of or right next to the person next to her. Maybe someone on the staff can speak with her because when students address her behaviors she either isn’t getting it or doesn’t care. She is creating problems because of her disrespect. She always stands to the right of the instructor and is almost always there. Watch and you will see.

    I also like the idea of posting some rules for people to read. I know not all are rude on purpose, but maybe it would be good to help the clueless get a clue. Something like:

    1. DO wait in line to come into class
    2. DO try your best to follow what the instructor is doing
    3. DO be aware of others around you and your distance from them

    1. DON’T stand in the front if you don’t know the choreographies
    2. DON’T save places in the studio for “friends” in the back of the line
    3. DON’T talk or laugh during class especially when the instructor is explaining things.

  14. I agree with both of you! It's true that people are like that. And I see it all the time because I take at least 5 classes a week!
    Diana, you are doing an awesome job staying on top of things. I guess no matter how hard you try people are always going to do the opposite.
    I have introduced plently of friends to the studio and we all love it.
    So to the rude people -- stay home !

    Luv ya D. xoxo Toni

  15. Christine.- THANK YOU! :] I could tell them not to but it will definitely work better if you guys stand up for each other, always politely of course ;]

    I will try to make a poster, but like I said before, I do not think it's fair to prohibit certain people of being where they want to be. If there are 40 people in the studio and they go in back....then how will they see the instructor? But I definitely understand your frustration with that issue since I've lived it too.
    What I did do, is see it as a challenge to try and only see the instructor and completely ignore the clueless person next to me.

    About the girl that I should speak to, whoever knows about this girl, please come talk to me when I am not busy or send me an email to and give me some details like what does she look like, what was she wearing, or her name if you know it. Then I will speak with her.

    Thank you Toni and all of you for appreciating the work I try to do and with your comments and suggestions I will always try to do better.

    Thank for reading and keep visiting the Blog! :]

  16. guys, please make sure you are mindful with the way you SMELL. YES, some people STINK so bad!!! kindly use deodorant or whatever that would lessen the smell. the smell is affecting the concentration of instructors and the students.
    this is a form of respect too. peace!

  17. Thank you so much for bringing that up.
    Personal hygiene is ALWAYS a must ANYWHERE we go. I also ask you that you don't come to me, Diana, or any of the Sensazão staff about this issue. It is NOT our job as a company to tell people that they smell bad. If someone next to you has a problem with his or her smell then politely set him or her aside and kindly tell him or her the problem. You are the one smelling it, so might as well be the friend making him or her aware of the problem. Thank you guys!


Let us know what's in YOUR mind so we can mold this business for ALL of you to enjoy.