Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Schedule update & Brazilian Playlist added!

Hello again!

As most of you might already know by our newest schedule here at the studio, Jazmin won't be coming back in a while so her classes will be given by Diego, Gabriela, or Marcelo.  Just check out the website for the schedule www.sensazao.com/schedule or pick up a schedule here at the studio.
We know most of you are sad with this news but we strongly encourage you to try Gabriela, Diego, and Marcelo if you are a Jazmin-fan.

Second point I'd like to touch is the playlist for the Brazilian Flavor songs.  You guys asked for it and I did it! ;)
Marcelo has given me the song titles and I have added them to a playlist at the the very bottom of this blog so enjoy!

Also, I'd like to thank you all for coping with our maintenance issues at the studio.  We have our floor acting in strange ways but don't worry we are already all over it and it will be fixed asap!
There are also some leaks by the restrooms and dressing rooms that the Mall has already addressed.  They are just waiting on a part to ship to them so they can fix it.  In the meantime, thank you for dealing with all that.
We's just HATE to close up the studio until it all gets fixed, we rather work around the problem WHILE the problem gets fixed :)

Any other issues, please let us know by commenting here, leaving a written comment, or sending us an email to sensazaomngt@gmail.com
We prefer written comments because if you tell us in person we might forget what you suggested with all the commotion that is always going on here at the studio, so please type it or write it so it can be more effective ;)



  1. what is the name of the brazilian song about the tasty drink? i think they say the word "casha" or "caja" or something like that. omg my portuguese is so ridiculous. love that song and the choreo!

  2. The name of the song is Cachaça and it is by Timbalada according to my iTunes lol. That is a pretty cool song, i love it too! :)

  3. Gracias! love the list, can you put the song that Marcelo puts on during SensazaoBrasil, the samba one, it is mixed with another song , he makes people go back to the back and start doing samba front and then sideways? thanks!

  4. You are welcome! And I believe that song is also used in our regular Dance Fitness Classes. The name is Yeah! by DJ Joao. I always suggest to YouTube it to make sure you have the right version ;)

  5. I just want to let you know that i support sensazao 100%
    I have gone to other zumba classes and i hate them all!! they are not even close to how good you guys are!! i have always been a fan of jazmin and sadly shes not here anymore but ive begun to go to Marcelos sensabrazil classes and their amazing!! just a quick question what is the name of the song he usually does as a warm up i cant remember how it goes but he usually does offten as a warm up song?

  6. Do you guys think that you can update the songs in the regular playlist? I know there are newer songs :) Thank you guys for being awesomeeeee!!!!!

  7. Querido Sensazao Management,
    Quisiera dar una sugerencia que no tienen que ver con este tema, pero pienso que es importante:

    En el transcurso de clase les pido por favor tener al frente (en el stage) solo al instructor principal, y no a terceros que supuestamente estan entrenando para ser instructores.

    La razon es que como muchos no lo hacen bien solo ocacionan confusion, no ejecutan correctamente los pasos de las coreografias a seguir y tapan la vista de los espejos cuando hay mas de dos subidos en el stage.

    Considero injusto que en el momento de clase opten por entrenar a principiantes ya que asistimos pagando para llevar la clase con los instructores que verdaderamente saben los pasos y las coregrafias.

    Si quieren entrenar a futuros instructores, creo que deberian hacerlo fuera de clase, como en clases especiales solo para ellos.

  8. Thank you very much for your support, the reason you love us and hate other zumba classes is because we are NOT zumba ;) The main difference, if you're wondering, is in the choreographies. Our Master Instructors develop them with the purpose of teaching you the basic of any rhythm we use while still working out at the same time. We like to keep the steps to the beat of the song and not just have the music as a motivation for you to do just work exercise, we believe you can seriously dance and work out at the same time! ;)

  9. I will definitely update the song list! Thank you so much for reminding me :)

  10. Muchisimas gracias por su sugerencia, siempre es de nuestro interes saber lo que todos nuestros estudiantes opinan. Si es que es posible, quisiera saber cuales piensa usted que son lo suficientemente buenos para entrenar on stage a mi e-mail sensazaomngt@gmail.com. Asi podremos mantener a los que lo hacen bien y exigir mas de los que no lo hacen bien. Una vez mas, gracias! :)

  11. Asi lo hare, muchas gracias a ustedes!


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