Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Been A While!

Hi guys!
Sorry, I know it has been a while but I have a new subject that some of you might like.  Here's what's been going on at the Studio.
  • Gaby comes back Monday the 14th and I urge you all to check the website around noonish to know if she will be teaching her class or not.
  • I know that the "number" system might have bothered SOME of you because it is a lot like Bally's now, BUT we have given you guys freedom from the very first day and unfortunately some students figured they could abuse that freedom.  On the plus side, we are all glad that you guys like the system and feel that it is fair.
  • The "personal space" issue has been addressed and I will continue to address it when I can.  You guys have been respecting each other's personal space and we want to say Thank You because we have not been receiving as many complaints.
  • Jazmin will be coming in May for the Sensathon on May 21st, more details to come.
  • We will be having a free Hip Hop class on March 19th, which is a Saturday, at 2pm.  You can read more about it on the website.
Finally and most importantly, we wanted to encourage you guys to give us your opinions on the instructors that work with us or here at the Studio.  Yes, ALL instructors.  We want to know what they are doing right, what you like about them, what you dislike, what you suggest, etc.
We mainly want to get a general idea on what they ALL need to improve on but also encourage them with what you guys think they are doing well.
You can comment here, send an email to, or leave a written comment at the studio.  Whichever you decide to do PLEASE give us some detail, specially if you want to say that you do not like an instructor; we need to know the details in order to help them improve.

This should be plenty for now.  You guys have been really nice about this Blog and we can only say Thank You.  Until the next post!




  1. Carmen: One of the best additions to the studio, she is doing GREAT since day 1, I love her energy and charisma. But she has been unable to catch up with some of the new choreographs as well as some others people ask during class. Good Workout! Grade: A

    Vito: I have seen two of his classes so far, and I think he is very good with the kids. Having a special price for the kids every day is a very nice touch! I am sure parents will give positive feedback about him. Grade: N/A (I am not a kid :P)

    Nathalia: She needs work remembering choreos' steps. She sometimes forgets some general steps and usually relies on the front line students. She needs work on her Salsa too. Overall she has been improving since last time I was on her class. I like her, however, I feel she is not at the level of the Sensazao standards yet. Perhaps, make her class Beginners'? Grade: C+

    Vanessa: She is one of the BEST additions to the studio. She is the most energetic instructor of the crew, her classes are a GREAT workout. But one thing I notice is that she sometimes goes too fast with the choreos and it's sometimes hard to follow. New students may have issues following her and learning some steps. Besides that, she is LOVELY and affective with the people, I think some of the instructors should learn from her charisma. Grade: A+

    Monica/Gina: Monica is a good instructor, her classes are always good workouts, but she doesn't really get close to the people. She doesn't really communicate with the class. Gina, in the other hand, does communicate with the people and she is very affective, she adds a PLUS of fun to the class, but she sometimes can't come. Both instructors need each other As a group they make the class so much fun and very challenging. Grade: B+

    Jo Me: She does a very good job every class, even though I notice she forgets some steps during the songs. Her class is fun and some of the little tweaks she does to some choreos make my muscles sore! I always have a good workout with her! Grade: B+

    Diego: His an awesome instructor, he has so much energy! We better don't get lazy on him or he will make us do the choreography from the very beginning and I love that! His classes are usually the toughest, but that's his pro and con. It's good he gives us a hard workout but the class sometimes lacks balance on the level of difficulty. For example, he goes from doing 3 to 5 very hard songs together but then he does very easy ones or vice-versa. This lack of balance makes the class less enjoyable, it gets you too exhausted to enjoy the rest of the class, even if some of us have not taken any class before. Some people even go outside and take rests skipping songs. Other than the fact he is always late on Sundays, laughs at us when we do a step wrong (LOL), I LOVE his class. Grade: A+

    Gabriela: This girl's classes are always hard workout, she always comes up with the most jumpy and hip breaking choreos! I love the way she keeps a sense of discipline and commitment in class. Her classes are the fastest, we better bring a couple of bottles of water, she always makes us sweat A LOT! No doubt she is one of the grand masters of Sensazao. I love this girl even though she may not notice everyone does! Grade: A++

    Jazmin: Even though she is not here, my first Sensazao class EVER was with her, I think she needs an special mention. She can either make your muscles sore, or get you down the floor begging for a bottle of water (or BOTH), she is a combination of Gabriela and Diego's style. She is also very patient and I love her energy and charisma with the people. She goes around the class making sure everyone is having fun and a great workout, this is something VERY important the other instructors should do too. Grade: A++

    My overall review of the instructors:
    They are probably the BEST dance fitness crew in the world. I am so happy to be around the best, I LOVE YOU ALL! Grade: S++ (with golden font)

    PS: Please, there is one member of the crew I would love to see in the studio: MANUEL BANDINI

  2. Thank you for that. I really appreciate all the details. These will definitely be passed on to the Instructors :]

    1. I take classes with Vanessa and she is soo lovely. She is very energetic, funny, and a very good dancer. I love her! Looking forward to get to know other teachers as well.

  3. Jazmin is the best instructor ever. She is patient and very approachable. Her energy is great and very effective. She was the reason I stayed with Sensazao zumba crew. I am very happy with my classes and instructors Diego and Gabrielle.

  4. I love taking Gabriela’s classes. I find that her classes are the most challenging and provide the best overall workout. She has incredible talent and always brings a lot of energy to her classes. She is always encouraging her students to jump higher, squat lower, etc. I like the way she keeps the momentum of the class going by breaking down just a couple of moves each class. She is also fantastic at non verbal cueing . As far as suggestions I could only think of 2. First, I would love to see more of the old routines in her class. There are SO MANY good ones. While I love the new routines, putting a couple old ones in each class would make it more interesting and an even better workout because it is something different for your body. Second, she is sometimes late to class and of course it would be better if class always started on time. Yes, we like it so much that we don’t want to miss even a minute!

  5. You are very welcome Diana, I had to cut some stuff out because of the 1004 letters limit. Next time can I write a review like this in an attached text file or with a URL with a file for you to download?

  6. Great suggestions guys! Thank you for the input! Just keep posting and let us know more about our new instructors! :]

  7. I've taken everybody's class and I enjoy all of them! I think the new instructors are great. I have taken both Jo Me and Nathalia and they're doing just fine as are Vanessa, Monica, and Carmen. And I agree that Manuel needs to come to the studio!!

  8. I used to weigh 215 lbs before i decided to make the change and start to go to Jome's class. I am now at a slim 195. Twenty lbs I have lost, thanks to Jome's high intesnity workouts that leave me super sweaty and tired like I ran a marathon. Her classes are definately intense and everyone else that I havce talkd to agree. Jome kicks our ass and we are thankful for it!!!!

  9. For most people, I'd say the core crew is & will always be Jazmin, Diego & Gaby. They are the strongest, most confident & most skilled dancers I've seen. They all make workouts fun but still place tremendous importance on doing moves correctly. I've seen all stop class & demo when students either aren't following correctly or if students aren't doing moves properly (i.e. not squatting low-enough, etc). They have their own styles & personalities which probably appeal to different people:
    Diego -- pure entertainment all around, very engaging w/his students,sometimes starts off more energetic than when he finishes, so focusing on delivering a more consistent-paced workout might be appreciated
    Gaby -- Sensazao Master for sure & such unbelievable natural talent; very disciplined/focused and wants her students to 'work' every min of class, could work on being a little more open/approachable
    Jazmin -- agree she is kind of a mix of Gaby & Diego; she's warm/personable & engages well in class w/students giving one-on-one attention. Miss her. If there's one teacher I'd pay for a private lesson, it would be her!

    NEW INSTRUCTORS -- well that's just it, they're new and not nearly as well known or as experienced as the Sensazao core. They all though have great talent and potential, not to mention guts to teach in the same studio as Gaby/Jaz/Diego -- those are tough acts to follow!! Maybe they should show up to other instructor classes (i.e. Gaby/Diego) to make themselves more familiar to other students (while still training under the best) and at the same time they can also demonstrate their own skills. I've not been to all new instructor classes, but here's what I've seen:

    Vanessa -- the crazy, energetic Brazilian!! She makes workouts fun & exhausting at the same time. Unfortunately her dancing technique isn't as strong;She's often off-beat and off-rhythm with routines which is especially noticeable if you're a Gaby/Diego regular.

    JoMe -- warm & bubbly & a great dancer who gives a great work-out. She dances closest to Gaby's style and is improving in skill/instruction every class. Her long/lean frame also makes her the envy of all female students!

    Monica -- fabulous dancer with great style but still relatively 'unknown' to most. Wish she taught at more convenient times (weekend or later evenings) so more people could enjoy her!

    Nathalia -- she seems the most "green" of the new instructors but is def. improving. Her height helps give her presence in class and helps with very clear cueing. She should learn to maximize more her tall/long body for fuller, more dramatic moves.

  10. Diana--this is a great idea. I do think that all of the instructors are great and I'd say that I'd recommend a friend go to the studio and wouldn't need to caveat it with "only go to this instructor" One thing I've found is that everyone has different likes and dislikes in a teacher and I'm always amazed by the different perspectives of people in line.

    Gaby's class is great and she's a wonderful dancer and I feel like her pace is ideal for me. I come to zumba to sweat! Out of the current crew she's my favorite. My only recommendations would be for her to be at the front during a change in the choreography--we end up a hot mess without her :)

    Gaby is my all time favorite. Her dancing is great--but I feel like thing best thing about her is her ability to teach. She breaks the steps down so that they're very simple and there's something about her dance style that shows off her talent as well the simplicity of the steps. I also loved her balance work that she would do at the end.

    I know many, many students, who love Diego's classes, but they're not for me. I feel like he doesn't do the 'sexy' songs as much and concentrates more on muscle building maybe? I always feel like I'm getting half the aerobic workout as I do from other classes. Sometimes his adjustments to the songs get repetitive too and I get bored. I do admire his dancing skills though and I know plenty of other students who prefer him.

    Vanessa has great energy and I always feel like she has the most 'athletic' class. I have a lot of fun with her.

    Jo Me is the hidden gem of Sensazao for me--I'll admit I was a little reluctant at first to go to her class, since I had seen her just as a student at FF, but she's really great and I'm glad I stopped 'discriminating' against her. I've never seen her have a problem with the choreography (the new AND old stuff), she has great energy, and I really like the speed of her class. I feel like I get a full sensazao workout when I go and she does a good job explaining the steps to new songs. She even sometimes does a little balance work at the end like Jaz that I really like. If anything, I'd suggest maybe doing a few more body language cues as to when to turn/go back etc. Jo Me is my go to teacher now, since Gaby's classes are always so busy. I feel like a lot of students probably 'discriminate' against her like I did, since at FF we all knew her as a student...I remember when she couldn't samba like all the rest of us :) *disclaimer: We both went to FF, but I didn't know her

  11. oh and one thing I also wanted to add...once during class Jazmin told me personally I was doing a good job--I know she probably forgot as it was just a comment in passing during the middle of a song, but it made me feel so good! Funny as an adult that that could make my day, but it really did.

  12. Thank guys! These have been very insightful and helpful! I will make sure all the instructors get these :]
    If your have a lot more to say and it does not fit here, just send me an email to

    Keep the thoughts and comments coming! Your are all amazing for participating, being so loyal, and speaking your mind!

    Until next post!

  13. here are my comments:
    Jazmin, Diego and Gaby are definitely the 'GODDESSES' (yeah, including diego)! We should give a huge credit to the new instructors because it's a huge task to teach at SDFS.
    *BEST TEACHER among Gaby & Diego. She's very patient, warm & friendly. She's great in all Brazilian dances and dances it in a very sexy way. WE MISS HER SO MUCH! PLEASE COME BACK!

    *BEST DANCER.period.Nobody can dance like her! Class is very intense. Sometimes she would show-off her skills but nobody can't really follow her. She needs to SMILE more and be more warm & friendly to students. GABY, u have a great smile. smile more often in class :)

    *THE DIVA.He's a great dancer too. His Salsa is freakin hot!Class is fun because he's so gay! He needs to be more consistent though - he has this BURSTS of energy. Sometimes he's so energetic and then one moment, he stops dancing & gets lazy. Please keep the momentum going!
    Diego, your legs are amazing!

    JOME: I agree that she's a hidden gem of Sensazao and dances close to Gaby (among the new instructors). She's very warm & bubbly and always SMILES in class which we love because it encourages us to work hard & have fun! Since she's new, it would be nice to introduce her (& other instructors) to all other students during gaby/diego's classes. JoMe's class is truly a Sensazao workout!

    VANESSA: MOST ENERGETIC OF THEM ALL. Her energy has pros and cons. She has so much energy that she's most of the time OFF-BEAT & her steps are not on point. Her two advantages are her energy and CHARISMA but she LACKS on the dancing part. She needs to work on her movements, make it 'flowy' and not too stiff.

    NATHALIA: She's getting there. She can dance & teach but she needs to talk & communicate to her class,smile more & make it fun! She dances better than Vanessa but Nathalia should work on more energy and take advantage of her long/tall physique. Give her a chance. She has talent but needs to work harder.

    CARMEN: She's a great dancer too but she can work on more energy as well.

    MONICA: She's a great dancer too but she can be more 'engaging' to her students by communicating to them more.

    VITO: Perfect for kids.

    I think you should introduce & promote your new instructors to Gaby/Diego's classes because they get the majority of the crowd. Keep up the good work. All instructors are great, you've chosen the best ones. Jaz,Gaby & Diego are tough to follow & let's accept the fact that nobody will ever dance like them. If you will add more instructors, please make sure they are up to the SENSAZAO STANDARD. Best Dance Crew. PERIOD.

  14. Vanessa:
    It's always a GREAT WORK OUT when I attend to her class, and also she knows perfectly how to dance and specially the way to teach.
    She always has a simle in her face.
    She has a great talent and so much energy!!!

  15. Well, i used to weight 232 lbs 4 years ago when i was @ ballys doing my boring workout, till i hear that latin music on the studio, then i meet those two spectacular people (Jazmin & Gabriela), since then i start dancing and follow them, now i weight 182 lbs and still dancing with them ;), love you guys...

  16. Vanessa:
    Thanks for adding her to the studio. She is an awesome instructor
    Her choreos and explanations are easy to follow.
    She is always synchronized with the steps and the music.
    She always worries about her students, if she needs to stop to explain again the choreograpy, she does that and I love the way she explains.
    Hope she can teach more days at the studio, without leaving her gym classes.

  17. Sensazao Dance crew is the best in town hands down. We're lucky we live in DC and have access to such great talent. Gaby/Jaz/Diego are the best and it's fun to take all their classes and pick up on different nuances in their styles.
    Of the new instructors I've only taken JoMe's class as she teaches both at FF & the studio. She gives a great workout and has a lot of fun doing it. She's warm & personable with her students making people of all levels feel welcome. She's also improved tremendously since starting teaching. I also like the fact her classes aren't too crowded but every bit as good. She's absolutely up to Sensazao standards!

  18. Gabriela is by far my favorite instructor. Shes a great dancer and teacher. I love how she runs the class. The only thing i would suggest is perhpas a little more song variety, but other than that her technique, energy, and style are the best!

    Diego, i also enjoy I do wish he would finish the songs out instead of stopping before the end of the song. But hes a good dancer and also has good energy.

    Vanessa I liked her energy but Im picky about dance techinique I found hers to be a little lacking. But her energy and positivity made the class enjoyable.

    I havent tried the other instructors yet, I did see an instructor who taught Sat at 1pm she was subbing for JoMe and I have to say from pure observation I thought she was lacking alot. I've seen JoMe in class and she looks like a great dancer, so I look forward to trying her class this saturday at 1.

  19. Vanessa:
    She has an amazing personality to teach. She is so energetic. Her class is very intensive. Her choreos for me are easy to follow. She is doing a great job, keep going!!!

  20. Just wanted to put in a good word for JoMe. I love coming for Gabby, Diego and Jasmin (when she's around) but JoMe does a really nice job too. I love that her classes are always up to speed with new music and new routines. And she's grown much more confident in her teaching over the past year, which is great to see. :)

  21. Have you ever considered an "unlimited" package for X dollars a month? I'm not sure what a fair cost would be, but just curious to see if you've thought about offering something like that. :)

  22. Thank you guys!!! We really appreciate all the comments and honest opinions you have been giving us.
    Now to the "unlimited" comment. We have definitely thought about it because we know we have loyal students who just adore coming to our classes that much and they have asked. The only problem we run into is efficiency. We do not want to buy the software that would allow us to do that sue to it's price and the fact we do not know how long this mall will stay open. We thought of keeping files, manually controlling that, but you can imagine how long that would take and we definitely want to keep you guys from wasting your time with paper work every time you come in. So when we do find the "perfect" way of dealing with all that, we will definitely put it out there for you all.

    Thanks for reading the blog guys! It's all just for you! :]

  23. I love JoMe's 1pm Saturday slot. It's an awesome and fantastic workout. JoMe's enthusiasm is endless and her energy infects the entire class. The moves are fun and it's a great change up from any other workout I'm use to. In fact, I've been running and training for 10 months with over 90 lbs lost. This dance class is the best abs workout hands down. Shake it shake it shake it! For sure, there's parts of me shaking it like never before. Thank you JoMe!

  24. Diego is great instructor that I have never had. I love being in his class make me have great cardio work out. He has excellent energy make us work harder and feel good about it. Again, thanks for your hard work.

  25. Thank you for the feedback! I passed it on to Diego, I'm sure he'll be happy to hear he's doing a great job ;) -MGNT


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