Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Massive Update!


As you know, we’ve moved to a new location and we’re very excited you could join us for our Grand Opening Saturday the 5th of April.
We would also like to very quickly thank all the people that have donated to our moving-costs fund, it has helped in more ways than we can possibly thank you, so THANK YOU!

On the new schedule, a few of you have written with suggestions and please know those are being accounted for; we will revise the schedule to see where we can make changes, but first we are going to give the current schedule a chance.  
Please continue to send us your suggestions, we love to know more of what would make you all have more fun at Sensazão Dance Fitness Studio.

Also in the new schedule, Samba is back!  Please make sure to talk to Jazmin in regards to schedule additions/changes.  And please note that Samba has a different prices and your Dance Fitness pass cannot be used with Samba classes until further notice.  The system simply does not allow us to use your Dance Fitness pass with a specialty class for the time being.

Other exciting news: the ability to buy passes online!  
With that you are also able to store billing information in your account as well as being able to sign-up online for workshops and other selected classes. 
What other changes would you like to see?  What do you like the most so far?  All your constructive opinions are very valuable to us and they’re better kept safe if sent via email to management so we can keep good track of all the possible additions to our services and schedule.

Finally, I know the music list is a bit dated but I will work with the crew on getting those new hot songs on the list as soon as possible!  How would you like a “New songs Newsletter” to be sent monthly and when applicable? 

That’s all, plenty of information so please feel free to comment below with any questions or suggestions, etc.  Have a great rest of the week and we’ll see you at the studio!

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