Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Comments, New Talking Points

Alright, it's been a while since I've done this but it's BACK.  I have emptied our comment box and I would definitely love to address a few:

  1. "Can someone please talk to [a girl] about her dancing.  She is always off which makes other people make mistakes.  She should either have to stand in the back or be on the right steps."
    • I will come out and say it: This is RUDE.  Now my explanation:  We do not judge here at Sensazao Dance Fitness Studio.  This is a place where we welcome all those who enjoy exercise, dancing, and having a good time.  It is BEYOND wrong to tell someone "you can't dance so please go where we can't see you."  How would you feel if that was said to you in ANY context? I would honestly be heartbroken, but that's just me I guess.  
    • I do understand how this can make you mess up, though.  I would suggest not looking at her.  I have personally danced right next to and/or right behind people that are COMPLETELY off and I just mentally block them from my view.  Another option is make it a challenge for yourself to stay on rhythm even though someone next to you can't.  Finally, I would suggest just picking a different spot.  As bad of a dancer as ANYONE might be, it is not right to restrict their passion for whatever it might be, in this case: Dance Fitness.  I hope you (the comment writer) understand this, otherwise I would love to personally talk about this: 
  2. "More beginner classes please!! Thank  You."
    • I am very sad to say that you might have noticed we no longer have any beginner classes.  There are a couple of reason for this.  
    • One is that we could not find an instructor that was willing to take over our beginner classes.  So we were forced to cancel them.  
    • The second one is that a majority of the beginners seemed to catch on quickly and moved to regular classes quite fast.  This left our beginner classes with very low numbers.  But you can always try instructors that are more of what you are looking for.  Please contact me for questions:
  3. This one was in Spanish but I will translate for you guys: "Could you suggest that people shower before coming to such a high intensity class that makes you sweat so much."
    • I definitely think this is something we can address.  I don't think I have included this in the policies (which are now available on our website NEWS tab) BUT thank you for the idea.  I believe it is only adequate to have people be clean and mindful of their own bodies so I will add this as soon as possible.  Thank you for the idea! :)
  4. I shall not name the instructor this was said of.  "Choose low impact songs talks too much"  Keep in mind that I copy them directly, so grammar is not my fault as long as it is in between quotations marks ;)
    • I very much appreciate your suggestion on this, however; I will also say that we offer you (as of today) 9 different instructors to try.  If anyone finds a particular instructor too slow then we will take your comment into considerations (because they help us with the training of our instructors) but we will suggest you try other instructors.  You can always ask us which one we advice based on your interest of intensity, you can ask at the studio or email me at  Thank you for the comment though! I mean that :)
I believe that's plenty of material for now.  I really just want to thank you for all your comments, even if some might be rude, because I understand that all you guys want is come in and do one amazing hour of Dance Fitness and please know that we try our hardest to make that possible.

I also want to quickly remind you all of TWO things:
  1. Our classes are advertised as 50min to 1hr long.  The reason for this is because we don't want to false advertise:  Having one class right after another we need a few minutes to empty out the dance floor and then another few minutes to let you all in.  This is also in case that the classes have to be pushed back a little due to the delay of a class before.
    • Please also know that we try our best to have instructors start on time, however they are all adults so we can only do so much (I mean that nicely).  Know that they NEVER intend to take your time or make you upset, it's always those last minute emergencies that alter their arrival when they are late but we do apologize for that.
  2. We have new Policies & Rules.  These address many things so please find them under the NEWS tab on our website.  Should you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to email me:


Diana Espinoza


  1. i love the color purple, too. On a black background the print is hard to see

  2. Can you add the new songs to the playlist?

  3. Color hard to read, copy that.....might actually change it to white I think i'll like it better too ;) thanks for the pointer :)
    I will try to add some of the new ones, the crew keeps sneaking up on me with new songs! :P
    Thanks for the comments! Keep 'em coming!

  4. Will the crew be posting new videos anytime soon? To Quitate La Ropa or Precision Wine? I love those songs!

    1. New videos will be posted but not anytime soon, we're working on improving the quality of such videos hence the reason why some have been removed from our YouTube channel.
      Thank you for your patience and we'll put the word out when we start working on those videos :)

  5. Maybe I just have bad eyes, but the purple text against the white is giving me a bit of a headache to read! The same font down at the bottom of the page, the black on white (that talks about the music...) is MUCH easier for me to read. I think it is more the specific font in purple than the color being the problem, i is just irirtating my eyes to read it. Don't want you to have to keep changing it but that is my two cents. Thanks for all you do!

    Any idea if a sensathon will take place this summer?

    1. If they are easy changes I can take care of, I always will ;) I will change the color of the font to black and let me know how that works.

      Sensathon, this is a bit late of a reply but we will be having one November 3rd and the theme is Zombie Olympics 2012 so get ready because it will be AWESOME! ;)

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    2. About the rule of the front row to move one step back, it has been taken away because of simple economics: one pays double for those two classes therefore they automatically have the priority to stay in the spot they are in. I cannot ask them to move back if they have paid to be in that front row, it would be unfair. What I do find unacceptable is that the dance floor is not being properly emptied to avoid the people that sneak in, and I am in complete agreement with you that such a behavior is extremely frustrating to both students and management and I sincerely apologize for the instructors and staff that have not been doing their best to avoid this. I wil work on this further to better the situation as it is something simple that we should be able to take care of.
      Once again, I apologize for all the frustration these issues have brought you, I understand the high demand for that front row and I will work on a system that will hopefully solve most of these problems.

      For future comments, I would appreciate less sarcasm or other disrespectful attitudes as I only wish to be able to reply to you in a friendly and comprehensive manner, as all of you deserve. I would also ask you to please avoid assumptions that downgrade our credibility as a business such as "allowing staff to be in front without paying," should you have these kinds of doubts please e-mail me and I will answer with honesty as we have nothing to hide nor unfair policies that disrupt your enjoyment of our classes. That being said, you are also welcome to ask these questions on our blog, as you see, I'd be happy to answer.

      I would also like to remind you all that we are a small business with a limited budget as well as limited staff as most of you may know. Please pardon the consequences this brings such as the lack of more advanced systems that could control the entrance of our students. We are however, slowly but surely, taking the steps to a better business, an example of this is our key cards so all your purchases can be in the system as this was the #1 issue we heard from our clientele.

      Thank you all for your honesty and trust in Sensazão, specially me, as you come here and openly speak your mind. Please don't stop doing so, just remember to be kind ;)
      Post coming soon!

      Truly Yours,

      Diana Espinoza

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Let us know what's in YOUR mind so we can mold this business for ALL of you to enjoy.