Monday, August 29, 2011

Jazmin Jazmin Jazmin ;)

As most of you know by now, Jazmin is back in town!  But like mentioned, she will not be staying for long :(  I know that makes us all sad because we all love her, her teaching, and her charisma SO let's enjoy her while she's here!  Here are the classes she will be covering during her stay:

Mondays 6PM
Tuesdays 11 AM & 6 PM
Wednesdays 5PM
Thursdays11AM & 6PM
Fridays 5PM
Saturdays 12PM
Sundays 2:30 PM

She will also be subbing for Diego until he gets better :) Which we all hope is very soon.  We do not know when she will be leaving yet BUT I am sure she will keep you all updated :)

That's all for now :)


Management XD


  1. Really great to have her back, sucks diego is out :/ hope everything is fine.
    LOVED the new choreography , whats the name of the song? its the new one that we just recently learned , kinda hip hop?


  2. Yes, We do having jazmin back!
    Ok, this is my comment: would it be too ridiculous and time consuming to have the floor marked with the spots where people is supposed to stand/dance?
    I know it does sound ridiculous. However, It is Not fair That You come to a class, with enough time In advance so that you can get a decent spot, you come hoping to relax, enjoy, desetress, clear your mind, tec... And then you have to deal with imprudet people who find it to easy to stand infront of you one minute before theclass starts, and very delicately "push" you one row back.
    I am not writing this post because of an isolated incident, I see it happen repeatedly. And again, you choose not to say anything so as to avoid a confrontation, but it still somehow spoils your wish of relaxing and just having a good time!
    Thanks for reading :)

  3. It is DEFINITELY not ridiculous but it is very time consuming because we would have to measure these spaces and number them. Not to mention that I worry that it might be a bit chaotic since the choreographies make you move a lot sometimes: left to right or front to back, etc. We have been thinking about it though...just debating if it'd truly be the best decision, you know what I mean? I would personally try to talk to the instructor at the time BEFORE ot AFTER class so that they can always make a quick announcement about it...but other than that you can always point the "rude" person to me whenever so I can hopefully pull him/her aside and talk at the end of class. I hope this kind of helps because I truly know how irritating that can be.

  4. When will you be posting a new video? I think you should include Marcelo. I have caught more than a couple of people trying to videotape him!

  5. A little late response BUT as you might have noticed, we have added PLENTY of new videos and Marcelo was included in those he felt comfortable doing ;) Hope you guys like the videos and feedback is always welcome! :) -MGNT

  6. I love the new videos but where was Marcelo? i only saw him in the "Loaded" video :[ you guys should do videos also for Brazilian Flavor, since most of us like his class also and it would be wonderful to see it at home to practice;)

  7. You guys should seriously consider doing a DVD, a real production showing your choreographies. I would buy a bunch of copies myself for my friends and family.
    Also, have you consider having an event outdoors? like a sensathon but outdoors. Oh, wait! is the sensathon outdoors?

  8. Well, Marcelo only wanted to join the Crew in the videos for the songs he felt comfortable doing and as you can see, he did not feel comfortable doing MANY of the songs. He was there the whole time though, he just chose not to join. Also I am sure you've heard that all the Brazilian classes in STUDIO B have been cancelled. The only one remaining is in the Main studio and this has been done as a request from Marcelo because he doesn't have enough students. I hope you can still make the noon class Thursdays. I myself enjoyed those classes as well and will miss them.

  9. Making the DVD's is definitely a project of ours, it's just a bit complicated due to the copy rights and the fact that the Crew is never really together for a long time (with Jazmin being in Brazil and all) but we will hopefully get there sometime soon. Sensathon outdoors would be wonderful, maybe for Spring you'll hear about one ;) The Halloween Sensathon will actually be in NOVA, same place it was last time :) Hope to see you there!


Let us know what's in YOUR mind so we can mold this business for ALL of you to enjoy.